Udruženje hematologa i transfuziologa FBiH


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    UHIT Udruženje hematologa i transfuziologa

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  • BIHEM smjernice

    BIHEM smjernice


Bosansko-hercegovačka kooperativna grupa za hematološke bolesti

Dear colleagues,

We would like to invite you to the 18th International DLTH meeting, organized jointly with the Society of Haematology and Transfusion Medicine of Bosnia and Herzegovina that will be held in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina in May 14-16, 2015. For detailed information about the meeting, abstract submission, registration and hotel accommodation, please visit www.DanubianLeagueSarajevo.com

Important dates

Abstract Submission Deadline:
February 15th, 2015
Early  Reduced  Registration Deadline:
April 6st, 2015

About Sarajevo

Sarajevo is administrative and cultural capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Nested between rugged mountains of Bjelasnica, Igman, Jahorina and Trebevic and split by Miljacka River, Sarajevo was the host city for the XIV Winter Olympics in 1984. The sheer name of the city (from Turkish saray - court and ovasi - field) indicates that Sarajevo is a creation of the Ottoman Empire. For over four hundred years, mosques, synagogues, Orthodox and Roman Catholic churches have been built and have stood side by side here. Citizens of different nationalities and religious backgrounds have lived and worked together to forge a multicultural city which absorbs different heritage of the East and the West. That is why the city today is often referred to as the European Jerusalem.

We cordially invite you to make the 18th International Meeting of Danubian League in Sarajevo most successful and memorable event.

Looking forward to welcoming you in Sarajevo in May 2015!

Yours sincerely,

Co-presidents of the DLTH 2015 Meeting:

  • Dr. Meliha Vila
  • Prof. Edo Hasanbegovic

President of the DLTH:

  • Prof. Peter Kubisz

Secretary General of the DLTH:

  • Dr. Danijela Mikovic

Honorary Presidents of the DLTH:

  • Prof. Aleksandar Lucic  
  • Prof. Helmut Sinzinger

Udruženja hematologa i transfuziologa u FBiH


Ciljevi Udruženja: praćenje razvoja dostignuća iz oblasti hematologije, transfuziologije i transplantacije i upoznavanje članova Udruženja sa novinama u cilju unapređivanja njihovih znanja i osposobljavanja, razvijanje etičke svijesti, morala, odgovornosti i svijesti članova Udruženja u skladu sa kodeksom etike zdravstvenih radnika FBiH i međusobna razmjena mišljenja i iskustava u naučnom, stručnom radu iz područja hematologije i transfuziologije i srodnih naučnih disciplina.

Saznaj više

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    Kako postati član

    Kako postati član?

    Poštovane kolege,

    pristupnicu je potrebno dostaviti poštom ili faksom te jedan primjerak odnijeti u računovodstvo ustanove u kojoj ste zaposleni da bi se vršila mjesečna uplata članarine.


