We are pleased to announce that the 2nd Annual Meeting of the International Academy for Clinical Hematology (IACH) will be taking place September 19-21, 2019 in Paris, France.
The annual meeting of the IACH aims to create a comprehensive intellectual and operational environment for acquisition of knowledge, skills, clinical judgement, and attitudes essential for the practice of clinical hematology.
Please see the website: http://iach2019.cme-congresses.com/
Our Scientific Program can be found here: http://iach2019.cme-congresses.com/program/
We believe that members of the Association of Hematology and Transfusion in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina may gain extensive knowledge from participating in this exciting meeting.
Therefore, we would like to kindly request your assistance in promoting IACH meeting with one or more of the following:
- Posting the IACH 2019 Meeting on the Event Calendar on your society website.
- Allowing us to send you the IACH 2019 Meeting banner to be displayed on your society website.
- Announcing the IACH 2019 Meeting to your members via email newsletter.
- Tweet and follow us at @TheIACH
In assisting us to promote this scientifically stimulating event in turn we will be happy to list your Society as a Partner on our IACH website. Please provide us with a banner and/or your logo and relevant link for us to upload to the site.
If you agree to send out an invitation to join the IACH Meeting in Paris to your society members via newsletter, we would be happy to provide you with further visibility for your society on-site during IACH meeting 2019 at the “Society Village” desk set up in our Exhibition Area and dedicated to national and international societies. Here you can provide us with a poster and material about your society activities for distribution to our delegates.
We are sure that our cooperation will be beneficial to both you and our Meeting.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Best regards,
On behalf of the organizing committee