Welcome to ISBT Barcelona 2020
In the beautiful city of Barcelona the 36th International congress of the ISBT will take place from June 6 - 10, 2020. ISBT Barcelona 2020 promises an inspiring and educational congress experience that will surely improve your stay in Spain.
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
As President of the Spanish Society of Blood Transfusion and Cellular Therapy, it is my pleasure to welcome you to the 36th International Congress of the International Society of Blood Transfusion.
Twenty-Seven years have elapsed since the previous and unforgettable ISBT Congress held in Barcelona 1993. It was a lively and exciting congress. When we sent to the ISBT Board our expressions of interest for hosting the 2020 ISBT International Congress in Barcelona we were bearing in mind the old good feelings and the idea to offer a new edition to be enjoyed by the ISBT members. Perhaps a bit of the old flavour will still be perceived. Time has not run in vain and so the congress should bear a different shape. This 2020 International Congress intends to give response to the nowadays needs of Worldwide Transfusion Professionals.
In this era of electronic communication means, when the knowledge runs fast and reaches any corner of our World, perhaps the provision of large amounts of scientific information is not as essential as it used to be. What is needed is room for personal face-to-face opinion interchange, to hear a small comment of a colleague in front of a poster, to be present in lively discussions at the session’s end, to be aware of problems in other countries during a conversation with a colleague at lunch time, to socialize and networking. The Exhibition is in addition an important issue, in fact an opportunity to show the state-of-the-art of equipment and materials, and more important, the providers’ interest on their customers’ opinions in terms of performance but also in terms of future needs and trends. Therefore, no wonder that ISBT congresses have in the last years increasingly facilitate interaction among attendants. ISBT Barcelona 2020 will take particular care for this to be true.
There is one last issue related to our dear Transfusion Medicine congresses, that lively feeling perceived at the end of the congress, the willing to go back home to apply what you have seen or what you have discovered by yourself stimulated by your colleagues. We hope that your visit of Barcelona will provide again this high moral so important in our daily professional work with blood donors and patients.
Jose Manuel Cardenas, on behalf of the Local Committee for ISBT Barcelona 2020.
ISBT is looking forward to welcoming you in Barcelona.
više informacija: http://www.isbtweb.org/barcelona/
registracija: https://b-com.mci-group.com/CommunityPortal/Registration/ISBT20BCN/REG.aspx?registrantID=da437150-2403-4f78-be5f-8790db59f4c1