Udruženje hematologa i transfuziologa FBiH


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Bosansko-hercegovačka kooperativna grupa za hematološke bolesti

20th International Meeting of the Danubian League against Thrombosis and Haemorrhagic Disorders

April 13-16, 2019 Antalya, Turkey

Dear colleague,

The 20th International DLTH meeting, organized jointly with the Turkish Thrombosis, Haemostasis and Angiology Association and the Haemophilia Association of Turkey, will be held in Antalya, Turkey on April 13-16, 2019. For detailed information on the Meeting, abstract submission, registration and hotel accommodation, please visit http://dlth2019congress.org Important dates

Abstract Submission Deadline:
February 20th, 2019

Hotel and Early Registration Deadline:
March 15th, 2019


Young Investigator Award: Scientific Committee will select best lecture presented by young author and award the author.

Poster Award: Scientific Committee will select the best poster presentation and award the first author.

About Antalya

Antalya is Turkey's eighth largest city. With its history, natural beauty and a rich variety of local life style tt is the pearl city of the Turkish riviera. Since its founding in the second century B.C. by Attalus II, a king of Pergamon, Antalya has been continuously inhabited. The Romans, Byzantnes and Seljuks in turn occupied the city before it came under Ottoman rule. There are great works of art from different civilizations at every corner of the city. In the picturesque old quarter of Kaleici, located in the heart of the city,  there are narrow, winding streets and old wooden houses surrounded by ancient city walls. The symbol of Antalya is the elegant minaret of the Yivli Minareli Mosque built by the Seljuks in the 13th century.

Today, Antalya is an attractive city with shady palm-lined boulevards and a prize-winning marina on the Mediterranean.

Looking forward to see you in Antalya in April!

With warm regards,

Prof. Kaan Kavakli
Co-president of the DLTH 2019 Meeting

Prof. Bulent Zulfikar
Co-president of the DLTH 2019 Meeting

Dr. Danijela Mikovic
Secretary General of the DLTH

Dr. Violeta Dejanova Ilijevska

President of the DLTH

Prof. Aleksandar Lucic
Honorary President of the DLTH

Prof. Helmut Sinzinger
Honorary President of the DLTH

Prof. Peter Kubisz
Honorary President of the DLTH


Udruženja hematologa i transfuziologa u FBiH


Ciljevi Udruženja: praćenje razvoja dostignuća iz oblasti hematologije, transfuziologije i transplantacije i upoznavanje članova Udruženja sa novinama u cilju unapređivanja njihovih znanja i osposobljavanja, razvijanje etičke svijesti, morala, odgovornosti i svijesti članova Udruženja u skladu sa kodeksom etike zdravstvenih radnika FBiH i međusobna razmjena mišljenja i iskustava u naučnom, stručnom radu iz područja hematologije i transfuziologije i srodnih naučnih disciplina.

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    Kako postati član?

    Poštovane kolege,

    pristupnicu je potrebno dostaviti poštom ili faksom te jedan primjerak odnijeti u računovodstvo ustanove u kojoj ste zaposleni da bi se vršila mjesečna uplata članarine.


