Udruženje hematologa i transfuziologa FBiH


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    UHIT Udruženje hematologa i transfuziologa

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    UHIT novosti i događaji

  • BIHEM smjernice

    BIHEM smjernice


Bosansko-hercegovačka kooperativna grupa za hematološke bolesti

The International Plasma Fractionation Association (IPFA) and the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut (PEI) are pleased to announce the 27th annual International Workshop on Surveillance and Screening of Blood-borne Pathogens. The workshop will be held in Porto, Portugal on 13-14 May 2020 at the Crowne Plaza Porto Hotel.

Blood-borne pathogens: Keeping the blood supply safe

This workshop on blood-borne pathogens will address the detection, inactivation and epidemiology of new and old agents, that threaten the safety of blood components and plasma derivatives including the costs and regulation of safety interventions. The scientific programme will maintain valuable and important elements of the previous workshops, including open and inclusive discussion between all stakeholders and will also include contributions from researchers and colleagues beyond the immediate field of transfusion.
Who should attend?

The workshop is a highly regarded scientific international event, attracting delegates from more than 30 countries with contributions from recognised experts and opinion formers. The workshop will, as always, be valuable to all professionals with an interest in maintaining the safety of the blood supply for patients including:

  •     blood establishments
  •     doctors and health care providers
  •     industry
  •     regulatory authorities
  •     patient organisations
  •     academia

We warmly invite you to attend this meeting and look forward to welcoming you to Porto for what we hope and expect will be an exciting and productive Workshop!

Dr Paul Strengers Executive Director IPFA
Dr Michael Chudy Head Molecular Virology PEI

više informacija: https://ipfa.nl/events/ipfa-pei-27th-international-workshop-on-surveillance-and-screening-of-blood-borne-pathogens/

registracija: https://www.eventure-online.com/eventure/login.form?Pae54ffd0-4910-4538-8689-335dc95e9f75

Udruženja hematologa i transfuziologa u FBiH


Ciljevi Udruženja: praćenje razvoja dostignuća iz oblasti hematologije, transfuziologije i transplantacije i upoznavanje članova Udruženja sa novinama u cilju unapređivanja njihovih znanja i osposobljavanja, razvijanje etičke svijesti, morala, odgovornosti i svijesti članova Udruženja u skladu sa kodeksom etike zdravstvenih radnika FBiH i međusobna razmjena mišljenja i iskustava u naučnom, stručnom radu iz područja hematologije i transfuziologije i srodnih naučnih disciplina.

Saznaj više

    • Neutropenična dijeta

      Neutropenična dijeta je režim ishrane kojeg se pridržavate kad ste neutropenični.

    • Kako živjeti sa limfomom?

      Udruženje hematologa i transfuziologa FBiH je izdalo Brošuru za pacijente - Kako živjeti sa limfomom?






    Kako postati član

    Kako postati član?

    Poštovane kolege,

    pristupnicu je potrebno dostaviti poštom ili faksom te jedan primjerak odnijeti u računovodstvo ustanove u kojoj ste zaposleni da bi se vršila mjesečna uplata članarine.


