Thursday, October 15, 2020
Start time: 3pm (Jerusalem), 2pm (Paris), 8am (NYC), 8pm (Hong Kong)
Dear colleagues,
Dear friends,
Last week, we had the meeting of the board of the Romanian Society of Hematology and we decided to cancel the RSH Conference, scheduled for 1-4 October 2020. This decision was taken following the global epidemiological context, but also in Romania, the number of SARS-COV2 infection is in daily increasing.
We propose to postpone the 2nd EHA - Balkan Hematology Day for next year, also related to the RSH Conference.
Thank you very much to those who were involved in the realization of the program and I propose to keep the same topic for the next meeting.
Best regards,
Daniel Coriu
Vice president
U skladu sa epidemiološkom situacijom u zemlji i preporukama Kriznog štaba, sve aktivnosti vezane za Simpozij i Skupštinu odgađaju do daljnjeg.
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S poštovanjem
Dr Lejla Ibričević Balić
Predsjednica Udruženja hematologa i transfuziologa BIH